USB expresses all its solidarity to the PAME

Nazionale -

The USB trade union confederation expresses all its solidarity and support to the Greek workers on the occasion of the general strike called by the Trade Union PAME for next February 28th.

 The strike is called exactly two years after the Tempe train massacre, in which a passenger train and a freight train collided causing the death of 57 people and the injury of 85 others. 

A massacre that it is connected to the firing of employers and security measures that come from years of brutal privatization and liberalization of public services which is affecting the whole Europe under the ax of EU policies.

 Your fight is our fight: what happens in Greece is happening in Italy, where the protection of private profit, austerity and the huge investments in weapons carried on by European countries have now become more important

 than access to essential public services and the protection of the health and life itself of citizens.

 We can only make our own the slogans that our comrades from PAME, also affiliated with the WFTU like USB, have written on their posters:

Your profits against our lives!