TUI PS in Europe of WFTU expresses its support and solidarity with the workers of Public Services of Italy and the USB for their strike action on November 20


The TUI PS in Europe of WFTU expresses its support and solidarity with the workers of Public Services of Italy and the USB for their strike action on November 20.
The workers in all European countries face a brutal attack against their rights. Wage cuts, abolition of social security rights, pension cuts, healthcare rights, privatization of services, lay offs.
At the same time the Governments impose taxes to the people and give away billions of Euros to the capital, the banks and the multinationals.
To stop any response by the peoples, they legislate new trade union regulations to prevent and block class struggle. They use the media to slander the class trade unionists. They also use sold out trade union forces to cultivate the idea of class collaboration, of submission of the workers to the demands of the capitalists and the European Union.
The TUI PS in Europe of WFTU expresses its support to the workers of Public Services of Italy and the USB, who against this attack go on strike action on November 20.
We call all trade union organizations of TUI PS of Europe to express their support and solidarity with USB and the Strike.

Athens, November 16, 2015

TUI PS Europe of WFTU

Babis Vortelinos
TUI PS Vice President
Europe Coordinator