National Assembly USB transport delegates, Bologna 5 march 2025

Bologna -

On March 5, in Bologna took place the national meeting of USB delegates coming from all transport sectors.he USB

The debate saw all sectors sharing situations of struggle and opposition that have many themes in common: impoverishment of wages, increasingly stressful working conditions, reduction of public service, murders or injuries at work, increasingly widespread situations of denial of democracy imposed by yellow trade unions.

Among many decisions taken, USB transport decide to stand firmly against european rearming policy and against all wars and palestinian genocide.

USB transport will oppose against any weapons traffic in our ports, airports, rails etc..

We expressed our full solidarity tò Erik Helgeson, vice president swedish dockworwers Union, fired by his company due to a strike held against loading of weapons to a Vessel directed ro Israel.

We leave this assembly with an organizational profile that has never been so advanced.

We claim that the real infrastructure of the country is the transport workers!

Let's stop the impoverishment of our work, let's demand better working conditions that are more protective of health, let's fight to safeguard the centrality of service, let's deploy our structures against the rush to war, let's provide workers with a different perspective, let's take back the space of dissent.