USB è ufficialmente affiliata al WFTU

In allegato la lettera che comunica l'affiliazione

Nel corso del  6th WFTU Presidential Council svolto a Johannesburg in Sudafrica, il WFTU ha accolto l'affiliazione della USB al WFTU.

Riportiamo il testo della comunicazione ufficiale che trovate anche in allegato:


Dear comrades,

With much pleasure, we welcome you to the big family of the World Federation of Trade Unions.

We are happy to inform you that, on the basis of the WFTU Statute, your affiliation request was officially approved by the 6th WFTU Presidential Council in the meeting that was held in Johannesburg on February 9-10, 2012.

For updated information you can check the WFTU Web site,, where you can find our latest news and announcements in different languages.

Also, we expect to receive materials, information and proposals from your organization, to keep us informed and to be in good contact.


Militant greetings